Evolution, Creationism, Intelligent Design, Gallup 1982-2012 –Twenty years of Gallup polls on popular views about human origins: consider the terms and the way the questions are framed.
Items included for this subject area come from a variety of sources. The perspectives conveyed may or may not express a Lutheran ethos. They can serve our instruction as discussion-starters, examples (positive and negative), and illustrations of intersections between God’s two kingdoms, intersections sometimes characterized by tension, sometimes by congruence. Inclusion does not imply endorsement.
Evolution, Creationism, Intelligent Design, Gallup 1982-2012 –Twenty years of Gallup polls on popular views about human origins: consider the terms and the way the questions are framed.
The Case for Educational Pluralism: Alternatives to the state-funded educational monopolyby Ashley Rogers Berner–Recent American educational innovation—charter schools, vouchers, cyber-education, Teach for America—are encouraging educational diversity, but they can only go so far. Lasting, structural change requires reframing “public education” to mean publicly funded or publicly supported, not exclusively publicly delivered, education. This in turn […]