Items included on this page come from a variety of sources. The perspectives conveyed may or may not express a Lutheran ethos. They can serve our instruction as discussion-starters, examples (positive and negative), and illustrations of intersections between God’s two kingdoms, intersections sometimes characterized by tension, sometimes by congruence. Inclusion does not imply endorsement.

Parenting and Science Studies: Formula for Confusion

How Science Became a Weapon in the Mommy Wars: In the shifting battle lines of the mommy wars (nursing, vaccination, gender), scientific studies have become a common weapon. Discerning pseudo-science from bona fide science takes work–research isn’t as straightforward as we might hope.  Science is a messy pursuit for understanding, but learning a bit more about the […]

Britain and Belgium on Euthanasia

Euthanasia at the Paralympics: Does Belgium have a problem with disability? — This article from the Director of The Anscombe Bioethics Centre in Oxford, England, can help students compare and contrast current differing policies and laws emerging on assisted suicide.  The writer links the differences to differing views on disabilities.

The Religion of Sports

Tom Brady, Michael Strahan Produce ‘Religion of Sports’ Show:  “OK, so sport is a religion? Well, yeah, it really is.” This six-part series looks at different examples of the cultural and spiritual impact of sports in religions around the world. The show explores the rivalry between soccer clubs in Glasgow, Scotland; the Calgary Stampede rodeo in Alberta, […]

Court Dismisses Suit Against Catholic Hospital

6th Circuit Dismisses Suit Over Catholic Bishops’ Health Care Directives: The U.S. Court of Appeals dismissed the suit against the Catholic Health Ministries by which the plaintiff claims she was inadequately treated when she prematurely went into labor at 18 weeks into her pregnancy.  The hospital, complying with the USCCB’s  Catholic health care directives, did not […]

Walgreens Challenged on Religious Health Clinics

Athletics & Health

Walgreens faces pressure over religious contractors: SSM Health, a Catholic healthcare system based in St. Louis, will open 27 new express health clinics inside Walgreens stores in Missouri and Illinois. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), MergerWatch, and National Health Law Program authored joint letters to Walgreens and SSM to flag the health provider’s religious tenets. SSM adheres to the Ethical […]


Models, Examples, and Suggestions for Instruction

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