Items included on this page come from a variety of sources. The perspectives conveyed may or may not express a Lutheran ethos. They can serve our instruction as discussion-starters, examples (positive and negative), and illustrations of intersections between God’s two kingdoms, intersections sometimes characterized by tension, sometimes by congruence. Inclusion does not imply endorsement.

Fraud and Government-validated Faith

When does faith become fraudulent? Philip Jenkins asks, Should truth in adver­tising laws apply to religious claims? Should governments be in the business of defining authentic miracles? Which pastors are genuine, and which are fakes? Every society has its own versions of Elmer Gan­try, people who use religious deception as a money-making tool. The question then arises of […]

Peter Thiel: Tech Christian Bankrupts Gawker

The Tech-Christian Apologoist Who Demolished Gawker:  This column offers a profile of Pay-Pal billionaire Peter Thiel that students can assess for point-of-view, gay activism, money and power, and personal agendas. “In coverage of the Hulk Hogan business, Thiel’s Christianity has mostly been a bemused sidenote. But Thiel’s statements about faith illustrate the way that techno-utopianism […]

Churches’ Ministry Against Payday Loans

Full Faith and Credit: Christian Groups Unite Against Predatory Lending — A diverse coalition of Christians that unites conservative churches with liberal ones opposes predatory lending. One of these umbrella campaigns, Faith for Just Lending, includes, among others, groups of black Baptists and Latino evangelicals, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Salvation Army, […]

Monitoring Advances in Artificial Intelligence

The Future Of AI: Is Something Different This Time?  For classes in computer science, religion and ethics, business, and mathematics: the biggest shift in AI research has come through two developments. The first is the new capacity for machines to learn for themselves. The other development driving this wave of excitement is the ubiquity of Big […]

Your Brain is not a Computer: Transhuman, cont.

The Empty Brain:  “Like a computer” continues to be the current common brain analogy.  This comparison fails on several levels (as have previous analogies across the centuries). Robert Epstein, senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, explains why in this very readable in-depth article.  Recommended for students and all readers.

Christians and Micro-finance

Microfinance is big business in Colombia: In developing countries like Colombia, microloans — loans of $25 to $1,500 or more — are big business. The idea is to give loans to people who can’t get credit and who can’t get access to traditional financial services offered by banks. Elizabet Abella received her microloan from Opportunity International, a Christian […]


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