Items included on this page come from a variety of sources. The perspectives conveyed may or may not express a Lutheran ethos. They can serve our instruction as discussion-starters, examples (positive and negative), and illustrations of intersections between God’s two kingdoms, intersections sometimes characterized by tension, sometimes by congruence. Inclusion does not imply endorsement.

Church Architecture as a Two-Kingdoms Tension

The Quietly Dangerous Suburban Church — How three architects in the 1950s tried to meld religion, modernism and suburbia: The marks of the church are word and sacraments (AC VII); thus, here is a study for the-spiritual-and-the-material, a key Reformation insight about the Gospel.  To what extend are other spatial elements important and edifying?  The 1950s and ’60s […]

Faith on Canvas

Fine Arts

Captured on Canvas, a reflection on two paintings for Advent at the National Gallery, is an essay that students may consider about the link between visual allegory and our liturgical allegory of God’s real intervention in history: ” If it is Christmas we are celebrating, then we have left the realm of allegory far behind.”

An Illustrated Guide to the 613 Jewish Commandments

Fine Arts

Nothing prepared the art world for “The 613,” the series of 613 paintings by Archie Rand completed in 2008, one for each Jewish commandment.  No gallery or museum has shown them all. To do that, Mr. Rand had to put the paintings between the covers of a book. “The 613,” a wonderfully garish book with […]

Drawing the Word: Wonderfully Weird

Fine Arts

The Weird and Wonderful Church Drawings of John Hendrix:   This illustrator is reminiscent of Hieronymus Bosch, the late-medieval painter best known for his busy allegorical visions of biblical scenes. But viewers this side of the Reformation will note that, unlike Bosch, Hendrix draws explicitly from the Word and words. Most of his sketches include passages of […]

Christian Hackathon Is Reprogramming the Church

Welcome to the first global Christian hackathon, where programmers speak of transformational love and pastors wield code. In 13 cities, 800 Christian coders, developers, programmers, designers, pastors, and artists gathered together for a 48-hour simultaneous hackathon. They scripted, designed, collaborated, and competed to develop new apps and websites for global and local adherents to the […]


Models, Examples, and Suggestions for Instruction

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