Items included on this page come from a variety of sources. The perspectives conveyed may or may not express a Lutheran ethos. They can serve our instruction as discussion-starters, examples (positive and negative), and illustrations of intersections between God’s two kingdoms, intersections sometimes characterized by tension, sometimes by congruence. Inclusion does not imply endorsement.

50 Years of Good News for Modern Man

A Bible Translation for Everyone? Released by the ABS in 1966, Good News for Modern Man—the TEV—was a cultural phenomenon and one of the most successful religious publications in American history. For 25 cents the public could read a Bible in plain English, representing an important chapter in the post–Protestant Reformation quest to make the Bible accessible […]

Gideon Bibles as a Culture Metric?

Are millennials leading the way in rejecting Gideon Bibles?  Students can use this brief commentary and analysis to consider issues in journalism, customer service, culture shift, evangelism, and other ways in which religion and society intersect. “When more people than ever are objecting to any sign of religion in the public square, a well-known hotel […]

Christmas Carols and Incarnation

Christmas Music Tells the Story: Students can consider ways to analyze hymn content and the role of language as a vehicle for the means of grace.  “Carols and hymns are amazingly succinct theological statements,” says Eileen Guenther, professor of church history at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. “There is more theology in a few […]


Models, Examples, and Suggestions for Instruction

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