Can an Artificial Intelligence be Saved by Grace Through Faith?

Is AI a Threat to Christianity?  This more-than-whimsical article may be a way to explore views on soteriology, redemption, restoration, and texts such as Rom. 8:18-25. “While theologians aren’t paying much attention, some technologists are convinced that artificial intelligence is on an inevitable path toward autonomy. This trajectory raises some fundamental questions for Christianity—as well […]

Calvin College, the DoE, and God’s Kingdom

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Advancing God’s Kingdom: Calvinism, Calvin College, and Betsy DeVos — the author addresses some oversimplifications in the popular press about recent developments for the DoE secretary nominee: “If we want to understand the religious traditions that most influence Betsy DeVos, then, we need to look both inside and outside the CRC. Religious people do not […]

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