A New Series of Children’s Story Books on Evolution

A New Series of Children’s Story Books on Evolution — In delaying evolution instruction, we may miss an opportunity to leverage children’s natural curiosity about the biological world, and to establish the foundations for a more accurate scientific understanding before misconceptions become deeply entrenched. So here’s the challenge for educators (and parents): figuring out how […]

When Science Comes to Church

Natural Sciences

When Science Comes to Church — We don’t have to have all the answers to our kids’ (or our own) questions about the complex intersection of science and faith. We just have to be in the game. If we’re willing to address the topic, people will listen eagerly and engage with us. If we’re not […]

Nones a Mix of Theists and Non-theists

All New Briefs

Nones a Mix of Theists and Non-Theists — Today, “nones” include many more unbranded believers than atheists, and an increasingly diverse racial and ethnic mix. And, researchers say, this is already making nones’ attitudes and opinions less predictably liberal on social issues.

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