TechnoReligion: Transcendence Through Technology

TechnoReligion: Transcendence Through Technology — Organized around four core tenets—“life is purposeful, death is optional, God is technological, and love is essential”–Terasem is a “transreligion,” (meaning that you don’t have to give up being Christian or Jewish or Muslim to join) in which you can beam a digital copy of yourself into space.

Does Science Have Limits?

Natural Sciences

Does Science Have Limits? — Marcelo Gleiser, NPR science blogger and physics prof at Dartmouth College, is among the more modest of the popular science writers.  His new book is called The Island of Knowledge: The Limits of Science and the Search for Meaning (Basic Books, 2014), in which he examines the limits of science […]

Got Religion on Campus? Leave It Off Your Resume

Got Religion on Campus?  Leave It Off Your Resume — Two new sociology studies find new graduates who included mention of affiliation with a campus religious group on a resume were much less likely to hear back from potential employers.  The researchers tested seven religious categories including: Roman Catholic, evangelical Christian, atheist, Jewish, Muslim, pagan, […]

The Shia-Sunni Divide

All New Briefs

The Shia-Sunni Divide — The Pew Research Fact Tank analyzes the divide between the two sects.  Several links provide additional background and information with particular attention to Iraq.  Iran and Iraq are two of only a handful of countries that have more Shias than Sunnis.

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