Tension in Quebec Over Religious Accommodation

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Tension in Quebec Over Religious Accommodation  —  Debate has been reignited in Quebec over religious accommodation after three mayors blocked Muslim speakers and projects.  Muslims say the new actions taken by the mayors are muzzling their ability to practise their religion, while others argue the moves were made for the greater public good.

Title IX and Advocacy-as-Regulation

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Title IX and Advocacy-as-Regulation  —  This in-depth piece, “Trading the Megaphone for the Gavel in Title IX Enforcement,”  from Harvard Law Review examines several problems and pitfalls that Title IX will may be visiting upon college campuses.  It might be a useful piece to keep in the file for thinking through how to stay ahead […]

Judge Dismisses Pledge of Allegiance Suit

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Judge Dismisses Pledge of Allegiance Suit  —  A N.J., lawsuit alleging that the words under God in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the rights of an atheist schoolchild and sought to have them stricken has been dismissed.  In his decision, Superior Court Judge David Bauman said recitation of the pledge was a secular, rather than […]

Sabbath as Resistance

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Sabbath as Resistance  —  Walter Brueggemann, in his latest book, Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now, argues that God’s primary goal in creating the Sabbath is to allow a respite to the never-ending daily demands of life.  Without using two-kingdoms terminology, this brief book review suggests how Brueggemann’s themes can further […]

College Freshmen Less Concerned with Religious Identity

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College Feshmen Less Concerned with Religious Identity  —  According to The American Freshman, released annually by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, college freshmen are increasingly distancing themselves from religion. Nearly 28 percent of those surveyed did not identify with a religion, a number that has increased by 12 percent since 1971 (that is, […]

Faith-Based Education Offers “Ethical Ammo”

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Faith-Based Education Offers “Ethical Ammo”  —  The more than 1,200 faith-based universities in America increasingly are confronted with regulatory challenges which some believe restrict their deeply held religious mission. But a larger challenge may be persuading society to invest in higher education that is less about producing students to compete in a global economy and […]

The Limits of Pluralism

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The Limits of Pluralism  —  Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) is regarded as a key thinker for Calvinist perspectives on the two kingdoms.  This two-part essay considers Kuyper’s views and influence 100 years ago and today: “We should not delude ourselves into thinking that the rhetoric of pluralism will itself lead to peaceful coexistence, but we would […]

Toward a Unifying Campus Vision

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Toward a Unifying Campus Vision  —  This essay from Robert Zurinsky, Asst. Dir of Campus Ministries at Seattle Pacific University (a Free Methodist school), discusses the goal of sustaining a “historically orthodox, clearly evangelical, distinctively Wesleyan, and genuinely ecumenical” campus that remains committed to the Gospel while serving Christians from a variety of theological traditions.

From Prison to the Pulpit

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From Prison to the Pulpit  —  Jim Wallis introduces Sojourners’ resources on mass incarceration and the broken criminal justice system: “It is our hope that this story and discussion guide will inspire you to get involved in your congregation and community in the struggle for a more just criminal justice system.”

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