New White House Proposal for Gov’t Faith-Base Grants

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The new proposed rules for government grants are an example of the challenge government officials face in parsing the language that relates yet distinguishes religious activity from participating in the public square and civic well-being.  Such language has been confusing, because, as the proposed Department of Agriculture rule change explains, “some might consider their provision of a […]

Polls, Statistics, and Religion Culture Shift: Some Disputes

An exchange students can learn from is going on between sociologist Robert Wuthnow and the Pew Research Center.  Wuthnow raises several concerns about the accuracy and conclusions of polling and surveys, particularly about culture shifts in religion.  The Pew Research Center responds.  Check the highlighted links here for content useful in sociology, statistics, journalism, psychology, […]

The Spiritual Implications of Epigenetics

The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge (Jer. 31:29).  This interview with Rachel Yehuda, Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, is an informative update on research in epigenetics.  Yehuda discusses the current science, its application to the Holocaust and 9/11, and its implications for the intersection of the spiritual […]

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