The Paradox of Church and World

All New Briefs

Book Review of Jon Diefenthal’s New Book on H. Richard Niebuhr: Diefenthal is concerned primarily with Niebuhr’s descriptive and prescriptive discussions of how the church relates to non-Christian society. This collection of texts is impressive and allows Niebuhr’s voice to come through clearly and effectively on the topic of the church’s relationship with the world.  See […]

Ralph Vaughn Williams, an Ambivalent Hymnist

A Vaughan Williams Elegy: “Cheerful agnosticism”? This review of a new book–Vaughan Williams: Composer, Patriot, Radical by Keith Alldritt (Robert Hale Ltd., 2016)–on the English composer (“For All the Saints;” editor of The English Hymnal) raises and considers the question of how Vaughn Williams, a declared agnostic, should have been able all through his life, to set to […]

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