Classical Schools: Christian or Charter?

All Current Features

Classical Conflict: Education profs and students may find this overview of the classical model in Christian schools and charter schools informative. Will classical public charter schools lure Christian parents away from schools that acknowledge Christ as the center of all things? “Just like classical Christian schools, the charters aim to teach students to embrace truth, goodness, […]

Death Penalty, cont.

Social Sciences

Court Returns Again to Death Penalty and Intellectually Disabled: For a course unit or sub-unit on the death penalty issues, this discussion of recent and current Supreme Court decisions can help students survey the issues and arguments. The justices will further consider the legal definition of the mentally disabled exclusion and, in particular, how up-to-date the […]

Why Does Anything Exist?

Natural Sciences, Social Sciences

Answering the biggest question of all: why is there something rather than nothing? — Students can get a start on Liebniz’ question, “Why is there something rather than nothing?” with this brief essay.  The author summarizes the usual responses from theism to multiple universes while leaving the question open.

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