CHE on Vocation

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A Distinctive of Christian Higher Education: Educating for Vocation —  The Jan-Feb 2017 edition of CHE journal includes ten articles on vocation from a variety of perspectives. The papers are drawn from a recent conference hosted by the European region of the International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education.

Word & World on Neighbor

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The Neighbor:  The Winter 2017 edition of Word & World addressed the Biblical theme of neighbor. What can the concept of a needy neighbor mean when there are literally billions of them? Are we secretly with that biblical lawyer, wondering about the limits of our own obligation? It is a question without any easy solution; perhaps […]

Behold the Man: Jesus in Israeli Art

Fine Arts

Jewish art challenges the taboo of Jesus: This exhibition at the Israel Museum is a collection of more than 150 artworks by 40 Jewish and Israeli artists who have used Christian imagery to challenge long-held taboos in both communities. It showcases the evolving attitudes of Jewish, Zionist and Israeli artists toward a figure whose place […]

The NC Trans Restroom Case and Religious Schools

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In Supreme Court “Transgender Bathroom” Case, First Liberty Takes Unique Approach: “The public has paid a lot of attention to how this case [ Gloucester County School Board v. G.G.] affects public schools, but one very important category of educational institutions has been overlooked – private, religious schools,” says Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of First Liberty.

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