Civil Respect for the Unclaimed Dead

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Civil Respect for the Unclaimed Dead  —  Every year since 1896, Los Angeles County has held a somber ceremony for the men, women and children who die there, but whose bodies are never claimed.  This 5 min. audio clip is a poignant and sympathetic account of remembering and not forgetting the dignity of human life, […]

Haven in England for Christian Converts From Islam

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Haven in England for Christian Converts From Islam  — Dozens of ex-Muslims living in safe houses, most of them created by the nonprofit Christian Concern, a London-based organization that wants to infuse British society with a biblical worldview.  There are over 2.8 million Muslims in England and conversions are few. But Christian Concern hopes British […]

God and Set Theory: How Big is Infinity?

Math, Stats, Metrics

God and Set Theory: How Big is Infinity?  —  No one argues that set theory proves God’s existence or anything about his character. But those with eyes of faith nonetheless see a reflection of God in it, according to this piece on a common yet disputed example of faith integration or intersection with mathematics.

The New College Counterculture

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The New College Counterculture  —  UofMich senior Ryan Shinkel offers a column on today’s campus counterculture characterized by tradition, virtue, and religious commitment, and not well received by the current establishment inherited from the 1960s.  The article may be of interest to students as a way to gain some perspective on which movements are conformist […]

Fields of Blood

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Fields of Blood  —  James Fallows reviews Karen Armstrong’s new book which “demonstrates again and again that the great spasms of cruelty and killing through history have had little or no religious overlay and are typically the result of an ethnic rather than a religious hatred. An overemphasis on religion’s damage can blind people to […]

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