A History of Family

Social Sciences

Family Phases: The History of Family Strength in America May Reveal Good News  —  This article by Allan C. Carlson cites three interpretations of the history of the family in America.  Carlson then offers a fourth view: four distinct cycles or periods of a “strengthening” or a “weakening” of American family systems around a single, normative model. […]

The Greatest Religious Painter of the 20th Century

Fine Arts

Can the Greatest Religious Painter of the 20th Century Make a Comeback? French modernist Georges Rouault completed his expressionist landmark in the 1920s. New York’s Museum of Modern Art, among other top-notch museums, owned one of its 450 initial copies and repeatedly celebrated an artist it called “the greatest religious painter of the 20th century.” Yet the Parisian’s reputation has faded […]

More on Spiritual-but-not-Religious

Christian but Not Religious: “’Spiritual but Not Religious’ is a phrase many young Evangelicals now use to describe themselves, in order to highlight their personal relationship with Jesus. As someone who studies law and religion in America, I’m embarrassed to say that this was new to me.”  The writer, Mark Movsesian, co-directs the Tradition Project at the St. […]

SSM Social Minister’s Case Dimissed

All New Briefs

Former Employee’s Fraud Claim Against Diocese Dismissed: A Missouri state court dismissed a fraud claim against the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City brought by the former director for social ministries of a local parish who was dismissed after a newspaper article disclosed that she was in a same-sex marriage.  Inquiry “into the knowing falsity of the […]

Amicus Update: The ObamaCare Contraception Cases

All New Briefs

SCOTUSblog resource page on Zubik v. Burwell:  The several cases are now consolidated and the amicus deadline has passed on whether the HHS contraceptive-coverage mandate and its “accommodation” violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act by forcing religious nonprofits to act in violation of their sincerely held religious beliefs.

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