Poetry: More than Propositional

Why we need Mary Oliver’s poems: For theology and liturgy, poetry has always mattered. Scripture begins and ends with poetry and contains swaths and snatches of it throughout its vast remainder. The rites of Christian worship across the centuries have endured in part because they are poetry in the mouth, poetry in the ear, poetry to […]

Some Catholic Colleges Re-focus on Catholic Identity

All Current Features

A Springtime of Hope for Catholic Education: This article briefly surveys a collection of small Catholic colleges that have made deliberated revisions in their aim and purpose.  “We are seeing a trend in Catholic higher education toward schools…reinvigorated when committed fully to Catholic education.”  Each case and this possible trend may merit further study by […]

Catholic Schools: Change or Disappear?

All Current Features

Catholic Schools Need a Business Model: “The [Catholic] parochial school model is a dinosaur,” said the director of the Villanova Center for Church Management and Business Ethics. As neighborhoods have changed, as priests and nuns have dwindled, as charter schools have become competition, Catholic-school economics have long since stopped working.  As parochial schools convert to charter […]

Gordon College Disputes, cont.


Gordon College’s Entire Faculty Senate Resigns: All seven professors on a Gordon College committee in charge of recommending faculty promotions and tenure resigned last week, believing the evangelical school’s administration had started to ignore their suggestions.  The issue appears to revolve around a faculty promotion issue.  See also All seven members resign from Gordon College faculty […]

Hostility to Religion on Campuses

Social Sciences

ON CAPITOL HILL: First Liberty Testifies About Hostility Against Religious Students — This advocacy piece from a religious legal organization discusses testimony before the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice of the House Judiciary Committee.  The brief article includes three cases on secular campuses and three recommendations and could be useful for classes in […]

Cultures with Secular and Religious Courts

Social Sciences

Secular power balances the harshness of Israel’s religious courts: In Israel, marriage and divorce among Jewish citizens is regulated by a religious body, the Orthodox Rabbinate, but secular justice can still occasionally intervene. This overview article can introduce students to various tensions in such dual systems (which also exist in the U.S. to some extent).

The Tim Keller-Princeton Seminary Controversy

All Current Features

Princeton Seminary President Talks Tim Keller, Women’s Ordination, and How One Award Ignited Christian Twitter: This Sojourners coverage is one way to present a case study on how and how not to arrange presentations and awards among parties who may not hold like positions on issues in church and society.  Students will find several matters […]

Applying Reformation Insights to Modern Art

Dr. Daniel Siedell presentation, “Who’s Afraid of Modern Art”: In this 45 min. video Art Historian Dan Siedell presents both a perspective on the modern art scene and engaging its content by applying key Reformation themes such as justified-and-sinful, vocation, and the two kingdoms. The presentation may suggest some ways for other academic disciplines to locate […]

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