Moral Relativism Now So 1990s

All Current Features

The Death of Moral Relativism: The shift in cultural artifacts from the late 20th century to now illuminates America’s changing moral framework. Law, virtue, and a shame culture have risen to prominence in recent years, signaling that moral relativism may be going the way of the buggy whip.  The writer explores whether music, entertainment, and politics are […]

Hieronymus Bosch: Painting the Human Condition

Fine Arts

How Hieronymus Bosch Defied the Ideals of an Age: Bosch (c.1450-1516) did not celebrate human folly.  He painted it as an affront, innate perhaps, to God’s order. Mankind, for him, found it so much easier to disobey God’s strictures than to obey them, and humanity was one long parade. The people in his pictures – the misers, […]

Free-Exercise Right or Anti-Establishment Immunity?

The Religious-Question Doctrine: This essay argues that the source of judicial inconsistency in applying the U.S. religious-question doctrine is confusion about whether the doctrine protects a free-exercise right held by religious individuals and groups against government interference, or is instead an anti-establishment immunity stemming from a structural disability on government (and especially judicial) action with respect […]

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