Payday Loans, Usury and the 7th Commandment

Business, Econ, Marketing

Christians Say Predatory Loans are Sin: Christians in 30 states—from Alabama to Wyoming—say it’s a sin to lend money to someone who can’t afford to pay it back.Most want the government to protect consumers from loans with excessive interest. Still, 1 in 6 Christians has taken out a high-interest payday loan, while few of their fellow […]

Understanding the Contraceptive Mandate Cases

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SCOTUS for Students: The Supreme Court’s Contraceptive-Mandate Cases — If you have followed developments in the Supreme Court’s contraceptive-mandate cases, you may be scratching your head, wondering what’s going on. You are not alone. Even seasoned Court watchers are somewhat surprised and mystified by the challenge the Justices now face to sort out a complex morass […]

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