American Library Assoc Lists Bible Among Most Challenged

‘The Holy Bible’ Makes Library Association’s List Of Most ‘Challenged’ Books: The Holy Bible, along with several other books that incorporate aspects of religion, made the American Library Association’s list of top 10 most challenged books in 2015. At No. 6 on the list, the Bible was challenged for “religious viewpoints,” based mainly on the mistaken perception […]

Room for Both Religious Liberty and LGBT Rights

What Christians Have in Common with LGBT Activists: In this 30 min. audio interview, Thomas Berg, a religious liberty scholar at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, shares his thoughts on legislative cultural and legal contexts, the significance of non-discrimination ordinances, why LGBT activists feel especially threatened by much of the recent legislation, and why he […]

Portrait of a Complicated Atheist

The Faith of Christopher Hitchens: In the literature emerging on one of the Radical Atheists, this review of a new book on Hitchens can alert students to the perplexities and complexities of very smart atheists who may or may not be as committed as they sound. “As Peter Hitchens once told me, the reason Christopher’s […]

Update on Living Together

Waiting Till the Wedding: Despite decades of statistics that link cohabitation to high rates of divorce and instability, the practice continues to grow and more are viewing it as a precursor to marriage. The majority of couples have now lived with a significant other before they wed. Nearly 7 in 10 teens, and almost half of […]

Pastoral Counseling and Religious Freedom

Christian Therapists Push Back Against Tennessee Counseling Bill:  There is significant opposition from the very group of Christian counselors this state bill aims to protect. Several Christian counseling networks and pastoral counselors in Tennessee claim such protections are unnecessary. Chris O’Rear, president of the Tennessee Association of Pastoral Therapists (TAPT), says he is not personally supportive of […]

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