Bible Colleges Disallowed Issuing Degrees

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Bible Colleges Lose Challenge To State Regulation:  An Illinois federal district court rejected constitutional challenges by a group of Bible Colleges to three Illinois statutes that regulate institutions of higher education in the state.  The statutes generally require approval by the state Board of Higher Education to operate a degree-granting college or grant degrees or certificates […]

Hosanna-Tabor and Who is a Minister, cont.

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Catholic School Principal’s Title VII Suit Dismissed Under “Ministerial Exception”: a New York federal district court held that the “ministerial exception” prevents a lay principal of a Catholic elementary school from suing for employment discrimination.  The principal alleged that her employment was terminated as a result of gender discrimination and retaliation. In relying on the ministerial […]

God and Math, cont.

Why Math Rocks: The natural sciences are about identifying patterns in nature that we then call “laws.” These laws have some form of mathematical expression (Newton’s laws of motion and gravity). Laws are so essential to our understanding of the universe that many scientists believe that math goes beyond human invention, being the fundamental language […]

Christians Face Intolerance but Complain Too Much

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Survey: Americans Say Christians Face Intolerance, but Complain Too Much: 63 percent say Christians face increasing intolerance, up from half (50 percent) in 2013. A similar number (60 percent) say religious liberty is on the decline, up from just over half (54 percent) in 2013. Forty-three percent say American Christians complain too much about how they are treated, […]

WashPost Religious Movie Inventory

From ‘Exodus’ to ‘God’s Not Dead 2’: The new wave of religious movies, explained — If there were a family tree for modern religious movies, the forefather would be Mel Gibson’s 2004 phenomenon “The Passion of the Christ.” Observers group these movies together. but the movies tend to fall into a handful of different camps. Some are […]

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