Symposium: Trinity Lutheran v. Pauley

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“American Culture on Appeal” symposium series: This is an ADF two-panel conversation, including Q&A, examining the implications of Trinity Lutheran and treatment of religious freedom and conscience rights by our nation’s highest court.  Check this link and their site for details and follow-up posts on the contents.

Civil Rights and Religious Liberty: Peaceful Co-existence?

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Even the Government’s Smartest Lawyers Can’t Figure Out Religious Liberty — From the Atlantic: It took the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights three years to produce its report on religious freedom and non-discrimination. With 27 pages, more than 1000 days of work, and 200-some additional pages of commentary, the document essentially amounts to this–legal scholars […]

The Economy and the Religion Sector

What’s U.S. Religion Worth? $1.2 Trillion, Says one Demographer: This article can help students realize the scope and ripple effect of religion throughout culture and society. Religion is big bucks according to a new comprehensive study. Comparatively, religion is the 15th largest national economy in the world, ahead of 180 other countries in terms of value, and […]

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