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Four of the Bible’s Books Were Written in Prison

Social Sciences

Our Prison Ministries are Too Small: Just 1 in 5 churches (22%) that average 250 or more attendees have formal ministries for people leaving correctional facilities. Many pastors just aren’t aware of how dramatically incarceration affects their congregation, says Dominique Gilliard, a pastor at Convergence Covenant Church in Oakland, California.

Be Angry But Do Not Sin

Social Sciences

Why we need anger: This review take issue with a new book by Martha Nussbaum, Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice (Oxford University Press, 2016).  Students might use this essay, the book, or the topic to explore carefully the role of emotions and related Biblical themes.

What is Entertainment?

Delight in the Good:  Students can use this essay to consider the social role and influence of media and entertainment and what sort of aesthetic to apply to ubiquitous modern media. “Our human ability to delight in the world means that entertainment is part of human nature. Today, technology makes entertainment so ubiquitous that our […]

Overview of the Transgender Issues

All New Briefs

The transgender rights debate is about more than just restrooms: This piece can serve as a brief intro and overview to the several transgender disputes currently at issue in the courts, legislatures, agencies, health care, and schools. The article includes several cases, litigants, and advocacy groups to track.

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