Drawing the Word: Wonderfully Weird

Fine Arts

The Weird and Wonderful Church Drawings of John Hendrix:   This illustrator is reminiscent of Hieronymus Bosch, the late-medieval painter best known for his busy allegorical visions of biblical scenes. But viewers this side of the Reformation will note that, unlike Bosch, Hendrix draws explicitly from the Word and words. Most of his sketches include passages of […]

Christians and the Transgender Phenomenon

All Current Features

This exemplary discourse between two thoughtful and informed Christian scholars serves as a model for students in how to engage in constructive exchange about a vexing culture shift, in this case the topics of transgender, gender dysphoria, and gender identity.  Linked first here is Robert Gagnon’s response article as a fast way to understand the […]

The Ethics of Vaccinations

This article on “Life After Death” considers whether it is ethical to use vaccines that save millions of lives but are derived from the tissue of aborted children.  Some pro-life advocates “have a deep aversion” to using vaccines that may contain “the remains of an aborted child,” says Debi Vinnedge, founder of Children of God for […]

The Exodus as an Example of the Academic Culture Wars

“Was There an Exodus?” is a very readable essay series in Mosaic that examines the long-standing debate about whether the Exodus actually occurred.  Not just for Biblical studies, the themes can apply to the social sciences, history, the sciences, and any class that accesses the past to understand the present.  This exchange can help students […]

Humanist Nones in the Divinity School

This brief profile about “More Students, Secular but Feeling a Call, Turn to Divinity Schools” discusses those “religion: none” students who can be found at divinity schools around the country, especially those schools inclined toward theologically and politically liberal Protestantism, such as Harvard and Chicago Theological Seminary.  These schools “offer even atheists and spiritual seekers a language of […]

Useful and Useless Science: Who Runs Research and Why?

“The New Scientist: Jack of All Trades,” raises the issue of how and why resources are allocated for and in the sciences.  “The claim that science needs to focus more on societal needs originates from politicians and is disseminated by intermediate bodies between politicians and scientific institutions such as national or regional funding agencies. Such […]

Statement Calling for Constitutional Resistance to Obergefell v. Hodges

This position statement from the American Principles Project proposes a four-part strategy to regard the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision not as a matter of settled law (cf. Dred Scott, Roe, etc.).   Joined by 60 scholars from several disciplines, the statement says, “To treat as ‘settled’ and ‘the law of the land’ the decision of […]

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