The Imago Dei and Human Nature

All Current Features

From Issues In Christian Education, Fall 2015: Christians make ready reference to the image of God.  But what should we mean by this expression and to what does it refer?  In a time of culture shift and debate about identity, the sources of the self, and the nature of being human, this edition of Issues provides […]

Religious Arbitration Clauses and the Two Kingdoms

In Religious Arbitration, Scripture Is the Rule of Law:  For generations, religious tribunals have been used in the United States to settle family disputes and spiritual debates. But through arbitration, religion is being used to sort out secular problems like claims of financial fraud and wrongful death.  This investigative piece examines cases in which the courts […]

Human-animal Stem Cell Chimeras

All New Briefs, Natural Sciences

Human-animal Chimeras: Stanford Scientists Condemn Funding Ban — The NIH has put a moratorium on stem cell and embryo research which strives to grow human organs in animals, called “chimeras.”  Proponents say this could lead to an endless supply of organs for transplantation and improved drug testing, but opponents say it poses ethical and animal welfare […]

Calif Law Requires Notice of Legal Abortion

All New Briefs, Social Sciences

California Law Adds New Twist To Abortion, Religious Freedom Debate:  Crisis pregnancy centers, often linked to religious organizations, provide low-cost or free services to pregnant women, while encouraging these women to not have abortions. The Reproductive FACT Act requires all such health care providers to provide written notice that abortion is legally available in California. But several pregnancy centers […]

Bypassing Genetics, Permanent Species Change

Powerful ‘Gene Drive’ Can Quickly Change An Entire Species:  Scientists have known for years how to genetically engineer living things. Sometimes, the genetic changes are passed down to offspring. A new technique called “gene drive” could make that happen almost every time. The advance is raising excitement about possible real-world uses, such as fighting diseases. But the approach […]

In God We (Some of Us) Trust

All New Briefs

Americans’ faith in God may be eroding.  This theme is considered again by the Pew Center: the vast majority of Americans still believe in God. But there are strong signs that many are less certain about this belief, and a small but growing minority of Americans say they do not believe in God at all.  Perhaps […]

What’s in a Name?

All Current Features

“Give A Donation, Ask For Naming Rights” is a 4 min. audio clip that considers new trends and expectations in gifts, funding, and institutional advancement and identity. Joan Weill, wife of Citigroup billionaire Sandy Weill, announced a donation of $20 million to small Paul Smith’s College in the Adirondack Mountains with a string attached: She insisted that the […]

The Craft of the Christian Writer

Lit, Journalism, Perf Arts

Meet America’s Most Important Christian Writer. Thornton Wilder once wrote: “The revival in religion will be a rhetorical problem – new persuasive words for defaced or degraded ones.” These overviews from The Dish and from First Things (The Craft of Christian Wiman) consider how Chris Wiman reflects the moment we’re living through as much as he […]

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